Monday, March 9, 2015

Book 9 - The JAX Chronicles: Initiation by Jen Lemons

This book was sent to me in a free e-version by Jen Lemons after she reached out to me on Goodreads asking me to review it!  These things just keep working out in my favor! I'm so incredibly honored by someone wanting to me to read their work.  It's such an intensely brave thing, I think.  I feel like every author runs a risk when they publish their work.  I applaud and respect your bravery.   On to the review (Spoiler Alerts as should all be used to this by now):  


I want Part 2...immediately!

Now...I think this book may be aiming toward a Young Adult genre...but...beware's a graphic book.  Not in a sexually explicit kind of way although my favorite word (fuck) is used quite often and she talks about being turned on (which considering the 2 men she's surrounded by constantly...that shit makes sense)'s not even THAT graphic in the gory details. BUT, it does deal with the physical and emotional trauma of an 8 year old girl watching her mother be gang raped and then having her skull bashed in.  Ten years later, said girl gets to bash in the head of the man who did so to her mother.  If you think your teen couldn't handle those sentences I just wrote, then you shouldn't let your teen read this book.  With that being said, I'm a 28 year old woman and I can handle it just fine.  So...that's my parental rating of the book.  

Sam is a bit annoying to begin with but eventually I learned to like her.  She was bratty yes, but weren't we all when we were 18?!  You can say you weren't but ask around...I bet you were.  Also, I'm pretty sure if you had witnessed the previously mentioned, you'd be fucked up and have attitudinal issues as well.  I'm just sayin.  I liked that there was a psychological and emotional element to this book.  Lemons gives an actual identity to Sam's inner conscious that wants to exact revenge on the killers of her mother.  She calls her Creature and the psychology minor in me was intrigued by this characterization.  Sam is complex character though...full of a want/need to be loved, pride, anger, need for vengeance, many complexities that in the future get her into a bit of trouble.  And her mouth...sometimes women just talk too fucking much.   

Sam is attacked in an alley by some wannabe thugs (her and her damn mouth) and after she seriously kicks some major ass she's rescued by a black knight in shining armor...X.  Oh X...I love you.  He thinks she'd make a perfect employee in the company he works for...a company of HIT MEN!  I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!  I was so intrigued.  Sam is recruited and has to go through the interview process which consists of training by X and the boss...Ace.  OH ACE...I agree with Sam...please just have your way with me.  He's lethal, muscular, tall, dark, and handsome...and just yummy.  The proverbial bad boy that every girl wants...but he really is...he's a hit man for fucks sake.  I liked her witty banter that she threw at him just to get under his skin.  Now, there were times I wanted her to just shut the fuck up and follow the rules, especially near the end, but I think secretly Ace liked her little quips and attempts at flirtation.  

I found myself continuing to turn the page because I wanted to know if she made it through training...would she pass the tests?!  Then it she going to get the guy?!  I want her to get the guy!  I want to BE her if she gets the guy!  What?!  I found him sexy too...ijs.  I liked the relationships between the 3 of them.  She and X develop a relationship much like that of a brother and sister but noootttt quite because there's always this sexual tension between the two.  I think, though, it would never go that far because she wants Ace too much, and I think X knows she's Ace's. 

I loved that there was such detail in her training.  Lemons describes how to properly look around corners without getting your head blown off, how to walk into a room and make sure it's clear, how to basically be a hit man.  I was wondering the whole time how she knew this stuff?!  Video games, Google, HOW?!  Then I read the About the Author section and realized she has family in law all makes sense now.  I don't claim to know anything about weapons or tactical training or how to sneakily kill someone, but all the training in the book seemed legit to me.  

I was glad this book had a semi happy ending.  She does make case you were wondering...her code name is Jinx.  I say semi happy because she has to kill her father, she breaks her leg, Ace holds a gun to her head more than once...but the three of them (JAX) have become like a family.  I'm just hoping she learns from her mistakes.  You don't fuck around with Ace and his get yourself killed that way.  Please let there be more because I want to see what happens next!  If you like action...think Taken...that deals with the sex trade and killing people...then you'll like this book.  While at times it may seem a bit young adult, I didn't feel like it was too young for me.  I was legitimately enthralled with this book and couldn't put it down.  *sigh* Ace.....    

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