Monday, March 2, 2015

Book 6 - I am Haunted by Zak Bagans

Oh I LOVE thee.  If you've ever heard of Zak Bagans or Ghost Adventures then read this damn book!  I hope it's an eye opening experience for you as much as it was for me.

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Like I said, if you've ever seen the show, you know who Zak is...well, you know who TV Zak is.  Read this book and you'll see there's so much more to him...this 300 page book only skims the surface.  I'm going to be brutally honest here...I always thought he was quite dramatic.  I know you have to be somewhat dramatic because it's television and all but it seemed over the top.
Then I read this book.  My how opinions change when you see more than one side of someone.  I thoroughly enjoyed EVERY.SINGLE.PAGE. So much so that within the first sitting, I read 100 pages...and I'm not a fast reader, kids.  I took a photo to document the occasion!  

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I finished the book the next day.  Picked it back up, had a bit of Starbucks in hand, and I was ready to go.  It was that big of a deal.  Like I couldn't wait to pick it back up but at the same time I didn't want to finish it, which is honestly how any book should treat you.  

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There are so many things about Mr. Bagans that you just don't get to see in an hour of television in a week.  So many things that you can't learn from his tweets, or his bio on his website, or a Facebook page, or dare I say an outdated MySpace page.  It was a completely eye opening read and I'm SO GLAD I picked it up.  I knew when I resumed my reading that I had to order his first book Dark World.  It should have been here today (stupid snowy weather slowing down the postal service!) and quite honestly I'm so stinkin anxious to read it that I may put down Book 8 so I can go ahead and read's that serious to me.  
Zak really lets his guard down with this book and lets us peek inside his life...his thoughts...his past...and a bit into his future.  I felt at times he was quite vulnerable with the information he shared and I think that deserves first of all, great respect, but also a huge thank you.  A thank you for letting us inside for a little while.  
He's honestly such an interesting person.  I never knew he was a sensitive and an empath.  I have found myself waiting to watch the latest episodes of Ghost Adventures until after I finish his other book so I can watch them with renewed eyes and perspective.  What he does is truly his passion and his love, and that's refreshing to see.  I know he would be doing what he's doing even if it never put a dime in his pocket.  He loves it that much.  
I loved that he wasn't afraid to say he doesn't like a lot of aspects of modern times like the Kardashians (gag).  He wasn't afraid to say that he's become a bit of a hermit now in his life.  He was completely and openly honest about where he is at this point in his life, and I can truly appreciate that.  I can also see how he's maturing, changing, learning what's important to him, trying to take precautions, and overall developing into the person and paranormal investigator he wants to be.    
I honestly LOVED this book and I'm pretty sure I love Mr. Bagans even with his jealous ghost and demon attachments.  I wonder though, if he'd rather spend more time in his dungeon because that's truly how he's feeling or if his attachments are having some influence on him making him withdraw.  *shrug* It's just a thought...probably wrong. :)  
I put this book down feeling like I had just spent a couple of hours in his drinking coffee while he drank tea.  Thank you Zak, for this look inside.  I can't wait for more.

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