Monday, March 2, 2015

Book 5 - Cut Here by Azzurra Nox

I was approached by a user on Goodreads and asked if a free e-version was sent to me, if I would provide a review for the uh duh of course I said yes!  And it turned out to be an amazing decision on my part.  I must say though, I was asked to review content, not sentence structure.  I'm a bit of a grammar and spelling Nazi...not really when I'm typing in such an informal setting but when it comes to serious business.  But, even given my pet peeves on sentence structure, I was able to overlook any and all of it because the content was just that good.  Let's be honest though, if you can't deal with a bit of grammar and spelling mistakes, you shouldn't be reading e-books that aren't on the NY Times Bestseller List...and sometimes I even find mistakes in those.  
Azzurra Nox is an up and coming writer who currently lives in LA.  I highly recommend visiting her blog and checking out her novel which I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing.  She even has videos of the music she envisions playing throughout the book which I find to be awesome as I'm also an avid music lover! 
Photo from:

I'm all about the paranormal as you'll see as we get to a few of my other book selections but I still don't know that I would have ever found this book had I not been approached by the author.  
The setting is LA at a Catholic school and honestly this book is in more of the Young Adult Paranormal Fiction genre but I'm all good with that.  SPOILER ALERT!  Lena has recently moved to LA with her father and shit starts to get weird.  People are supposedly committing suicide but there's this gigantic black feather found at the sites of the dead that is way too damn big to belong to a bird...and they all seem to possess a copy of a book called Cut Here.  Come to find out there's some archangels all up in the business and one crazy ass angel of death is killing people left and right and making it look like a damn suicide!  How crazy is that?!  Right near the end too...PLOT TWIST!  I actually gasped out loud...had people been around me they definitely would have given me a WTF look.  
It was a fast paced book and I kept turning the page because Nox writes in such a way that left me going what in the world is going on here?!  Is it a person?  Is it some weird monster creature thing?  Nope...angel. 
 After I kind of started to put together some of the pieces I kept turning the pages because I wanted to see where the relationships between the characters went.  Lena likes Jon, maybe even loves him (but as friends of course *eye roll*) but she loves Michael...yet another angel but the good kind.  Basically he's the angel of death that carries you to Heaven...woot woot!  But then Jon loves Lena but he's got Sydney over here and she lets him be himself and she's a cool girl like that.  It's this whole rectangle plus a few extra sides going'll need a flow chart trying to explain it to other people but not when you're reading it.  It all makes perfect sense when you're reading it.  Anyway...I was rooting for Sydney to get Jon.  
I liked the characters in the book.  I got a bit annoyed that all of these dudes were fawning all over's like she has beer flavored nipples or something.  But the one thing that really struck me about them was that they all seemed real.  They all had fucked up issues which, let's be honest, who doesn't?!  They all seemed like people you have encountered at some point in your life.  The people who have shit going on but all you see is what's on the outside and it's so incongruous with who they truly are.  Hell...I think some of us have probably felt like some of these characters, we just may not have taken it to the extreme of self mutilation or witchcraft.  And then there are some who have.  So, it's got a bit of diversity for everyone!   
I'm not trying to give away too much of the plot because I honestly think you should read it to figure out what really happens and how the book, the angel and the 'suicides' all tie in together.  It was quite creative how Nox works it all out.  I also feel there was enough resolution to end the book, but it also could be open enough to lead potentially to a series.  I definitely look forward to more works from this author. 
2 thumbs up and I'm so glad the author reached out to me!  I hope she does so again in the future.  

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