Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Book 12 - The First Wife by Erica Spindler


May have just found a new favorite author in +Erica Spindler! I absolutely loved this book...obviously.  I'm a woman...and I like sappy I honestly didn't mind that the beginning kind of reminded me of a Lifetime Movie...and that may turn some people off but it drew me in.  I'm a hopeless romantic so I really liked that it opened on a whirlwind romance that will probably never happen to a normal girl like me.  I, of course, read the front cover so I knew people were missing and I knew it involved Logan...but I found myself within the few first chapters hoping, wishing, and praying it wasn't Logan who had made something happen to the first wife.  He was a likable guy and I wanted to believe their romance would last...I had hope!  I'm going to ruin the end for some...or let others breathe a sigh of relief...when I tell's not Logan!  Spindler doesn't stick with the norm by having the significant other committing a crime...and that brings about a huge PLOT TWIST!  I love me a good plot twist and Spindler does not disappoint!

I could never quite put my finger on who was committing these potential murders...there were so many potential suspects.  Logan, August, Raine, Billy Ray, Henry, Paul...WHO IS MAKING THESE WOMEN DISAPPEAR?!  Little by little, secrets are revealed and my heart absolutely broke for the Abbott family.  So much tragedy, loss, and heartache should never happen to one family.  Maybe because of this I found myself rooting for Logan and hoping it wasn't him...and I found myself rooting for Bailey to be the silver lining in their lives.  Of course I became frustrated with her at times because of her doubt but I understand her doubt.  There were so many signs that pointed to Logan and all she had to go off of was the love in her heart...that gut instinct.  Honestly, I'm a firm believer in gut instincts so I kept telling her to follow her gut...follow those instincts...HE DIDN'T DO IT!  Luckily, she and I were right.  :)

Spindler has a way of writing that just lures you in and keeps you turning the pages.  Mostly with her unique plot twists.  Just when you think Bailey has figured it all out, she's in an accident and now has traumatic memory loss.  Do you know how frustrating it is as a reader to be so close and then not have answers?!  Spindler has a way of making the reader just as frustrated as the characters currently experiencing the dilemma.  I kept willing Bailey's memory to return as much as Bailey herself did.  And then the pieces were shocking as they fell into place.  Spindler does an excellent job of keeping you guessing up until seriously 2 pages until the end...then she gives you closure...but not completely.  You know who did it, but the why and the how are absent...but I don't feel like I was left hanging.  It's like I'm so glad Logan and Bailey got a happy ending that I don't need answers to the whys and hows.  Like I said, I'm a hopeless romantic and I love a good happy ending.

If you like a good Lifetime movie, romance and murder mystery all rolled up into one...then this book is for you.  I will definitely be investing in more on Spindler's work and I can't wait!  This book just kind of gives you the true love conquers all...which is ironic that I say that considering the first wife's name was True...

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