Saturday, March 7, 2015

Book 8 - The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

HOLY. SHIT. Hello plot twist...fancy meeting you here...glad you could make it! I LOVED this book...after I got into it.  I must admit my mind was a little out of it because I have been expecting another book that I really, really wanted to read.  After I got over that I was fully engrossed in this book.  Typically, if you're an avid murder mystery reader, you can spot the killer pretty early on...NOT with this book!  All the way up until the end, I was just going who the hell killed this girl?!  It seriously could have been any of 5...maybe even 6 people!  

In the beginning, I'm not going to lie...I disliked Rachel and Anna...quite immensely.  I felt Rachel was a self-pitying, self-deprecating alcoholic, and I felt like Anna was born without a sympathy nerve in her entire body.  You stole this woman's husband, you bitch!  Yeah...she's gonna lose her fucking mind a little bit.  I, also, was not a big fan of Megan...maybe because I've never been in her position, but I really agreed with Rachel on the whole being pissed off that she was cheating on her husband...who seemed to love her dearly!  My thoughts were, you know it's hard enough to find someone who loves you despite being flighty and flawed, but yet here he is...loving spite of yourself.  I eventually got over that when Hawkins expanded more on Megan's character and delved more into her perspective.  That was one good thing I liked...the story was told from each woman's perspective so I was able to really see why each made the decisions that they did.  Still not a big fan of Anna though...
I liked the men in the book though.  I felt Tom was just trying to keep peace between his current wife and ex-wife.  I felt he still cared for his ex in a very endearing manner.  I felt like he was genuinely apologetic for breaking her heart and he still wanted to make sure she was okay given the circumstances.  I also really liked Scott.  I actually kind of loved him...that he genuinely loved his wife.  Maybe I'm just jaded, but it's refreshing to see a man not only love his wife but be IN LOVE with her as well...even when sometimes she isn't all that lovable.  I did feel sorry for him at times. Since we know Megan's perspective, I knew she didn't want children and she'd never willingly try to have them with him.  I felt bad for him because he loved her...genuinely...and she had such a restless spirit, she couldn't stay true to him.  Makes me feel bad for her, too, that she was in such a state of unrest that she couldn't be content with him.  There's so much more to these characters that could probably be discussed all day and you'd get a different view point from different people reading about them.  Hawkins writes about these people in a such a way that you may just find yourself looking at the people around you wondering if this stuff could be happening to them...they felt real to me.  Maybe someone you pass every day on your commute to work has some crazy, absurd shit going on in their lives.  It's interesting, how so often we're so wrapped up in our own lives, we never take the time to wonder what's really going on with other people.  Maybe that's a blessing and a curse.  

I'm not going to say much more because I don't want to give too much away...but I was shocked at the killer...and the true nature of the character that isn't revealed until all is said and done.  Thus prompting the HOLY. SHIT. at the beginning.  Mind. Blown.    

This book was really an interesting read...thrilling and fast paced.  I kept turning the pages because I I NEEDED to know who killed her!  If you're a mystery fan...READ THIS BOOK!  For her debut novel, I must say whilst applauding...Well Done, Paula Hawkins, Well Done!  I look forward to many more thrill rides!  

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