Monday, April 27, 2015

Book 20 - First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

Oh Charley Davidson...can we PLEASE be best friends??

I love this cover...mainly because I WANT THOSE SHOES!   

So...I stumbled upon this series when I noticed Seventh Grave and No Body in the New Mystery section at Barnes and of course I had to see what the beginning was about.  I was not disappointed and have found a new favorite series.  +Darynda Jones writes in such an entertaining way.  I found this book hilarious at times, sad at other times, and let's be honest...the supernatural sex is hot.  Like...can I please get one of those orgasms???  More on that later though...

Charlotte (Charley) Davidson is a private investigator...she's also THE Grim Reaper.  She works with her police detective Uncle, Bob and before him, she used her abilities to help her father.  She hasn't always had an easy go of things though.  Her mother passed during childbirth and was actually the first soul that ever crossed to the other side through her...that white light you hear's actually Charley herself.  Interesting twist if I do say so myself.   Anyway, a year after her mother's death, her father remarried to Denise...a bitch who doesn't believe Charley's gift even though she's proven herself time and again.  She has never treated Charley like a daughter, but rather reserves that relationship for Charley's sister Gemma.  Honestly, not a big fan of Gemma or Denise and I'm honestly glad that had minor roles in this first book...well with the exception of Denise who was almost killed by The Big Bad aka Reyes aka Son of Satan who has been following Charley since she was born.  

Reyes has always been there when Charley was in trouble and now he visits her every night for steamy supernatural, mind-blowing play time.  If you can't deal with supernatural sex, then don't read this series.  There are multiple plot lines going on in this one.  A dead lawyer shows up in Charley's apartment and it turns out both of his partners are dead too so she works with her Uncle Bob to try and solve the case.  Not only so a murderer can be put away, but so the spirits of the three lawyers can find rest and cross over.  So, while Charley is trying to find and put away a murderer, she's also trying to figure out who Reyes is.  

I've spoiled the secrets here because I've told you who Reyes is but there's so much more detail that you really need to read it to see how all of it comes out.  It's such a fun and entertaining book.  I'm so ready to start on number 2.  I really want to see what else Charley is going to get herself into and I really want to see where this whole Reyes/Charley thing is going to go.  After all, he gave her an orgasm in which she saw his creation and birth out of Hell onto Earth and his seeing her for the first time as the bright, shining light she appears to be to all who are not alive...or human for that matter.  And we know if she's found by anything else from the underworld, he'll have to kill her.  I really don't want him to have to kill her...  

You also need to pick it up and read it so you see what happens with the lawyers and why they were killed.  Let's just say, it involves human trafficking!  SCANDAL! 

This one reminds me a lot of how I feel when I read Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series.  I laugh, I shake my head at the absurdity of the hijinks that occur, and I drool over the men.  This book was fast paced and I kept turning the pages because I wanted to see where each plot was going to lead.  And I'm so glad there's a series because I was left with a cliffhanger!  And we all know how I feel about not getting my closure!  


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