Wednesday, April 1, 2015

if they're not mine, does that still make me a crazy dog lady?!?!

I have the JOY of watching, with some regularity, FIVE babies...aka puppies.  They all belong to friends and/or coworkers.  I am so thankful they trust me with their babies, not just one time, but a lot.  They each have their own personalities and they are each so special to me.  I love them dearly and consider them part of my family as well.  After all, they get their own Christmas stockings...that I refill each year.  I don't have children so these 5 are my babies.  I wouldn't trade them for the world.  

Each stocking has the letter of the puppy's name.  The wrapped stuffed is for the humans in my life.  But the stockings...they're for the babies.  :) 

Allow me to introduce you to them.  First up,


Mr. Duke is my only boy.  He's around 12 years old and no, I don't know what breed he is other than adorable.  He loves a good petting and he LOVES TO BE OUTSIDE!  There can be snow and ice on the ground, and Duke wants to be outside.  It's the weirdest thing.  His family finally got a doggy door so he can go out any time he pleases!  He's a super precious pumpkin.  He also has a sister...


Daisy is my little couch potato.  Like Duke, she's roughly 12 or 13 years old.  While her brother prefers to be outside, Daisy likes to chill on the couch.  She's the ring leader in most shenanigans.  If an animal appears on the television, she WILL bark at it.  She loves her morning bone for her dental health, and if you're not careful, she'll steal Duke's.  She loves treats and has a designated spot on the couch.  No one puts Daisy in the corner. :)  I was, honestly, a little apprehensive about watching 2 puppies at one time but they make it easy.  They have spoiled me for anyone else with multiple dogs. 
They're incredibly easy and relaxed dogs. I have the pleasure of watching them next week for a day/night!  And they just got spring haircuts...their cuteness level seriously goes up about 5 notches when they've had their haircuts.  PRECIOUS PUMPKINS!

GRACIE!...Lou Freebush 

If you've ever seen Miss Congeniality, you know where I get Gracie Lou Freebush, even though her name is only Gracie.  Gracie is 70 pounds of hound and is lovingly high maintenance.  She has sensitive skin and a sensitive tummy so she has to take fish oil pills, glucosamine, and vitamin E. She's also allergic to most foods so I have to check the ingredients on all treats I buy for her.  I, honestly, wouldn't change a thing about her though.  She loves unconditionally and has stood up against a German Shepherd while out walking with her mom one day.  Gracie is gangster like that.  She loves a good pig ear and to be rubbed down. She has no shame in almost knocking you over so you'll rub her.  She also snores in her sleep and takes up a majority of the damn bed buddy a girl could ask for. 


Miss Abbey has 3 legs and no I don't know how she lost it.  I went with my friend to the animal shelter when she adopted Abbey.  I'm not allowed to go to the animal shelter with that friend again though because I stop at EVERY.SINGLE.CAGE. and talk the precious babies.  Anyway, back to Abbey.  Abbey is the most chill dog ever.  She loves to play and is content to sit on her ottoman at the window and just watch the world go round.  She can be a little attitudinal but it's completely adorable.  She has a way of somehow fitting her entire body on the 2 inch ledge of the bed to wake you up in the morning.  I have no idea how she does it.  She gets me every time I stay with her because I think she's waking me up to go out...NOPE...she wants to play.  She always meets me at the door when I stop by for a visit or when I come home to stay with her.  She's a precious and she can get obstinate about not going outside if it's raining or has rained within the past 30 minutes.  She's an Abbey and she is loved.


Miss Rosie when she was still less than year a tiny 40 pounds. 
Miss Rosie after she turned a year a whopping 60 pounds.
I started watching Miss Rosie last summer.  She is around 15 months old and she is 60 pounds of puppy.  She's part pit bull, part boxer and is the sweetest puppy.  Her paws are too big for her body, she's rambunctious like a puppy, and she sits in my lap like she only weighs 10 pounds.  I've had to the pleasure of watching her grown up over the past year and little by little she's starting to become a dog and settle down a little bit.  She loves to chew things so there's always a bone waiting for her here.  She gets into a bit of trouble though because she likes to actually eat the cotton stuffing in dog toys so I have to keep those away from her for the most part.  I had my first and so far only incident with her.  Her dad was in California and I had her...and she was stung by a yellow jacket!  Cue FREAK OUT!  I immediately called the vet, took her in, they gave her puppy benadryl and all was fine...but she's my baby so I had to take her.  I was so worried her dad wouldn't let me watch her again but he was cool about the whole thing and I've watched her several times since then.  In fact, this baby girl will be here over Easter while her dad is out of town.  Rosie is the only one that stays with me when her dad is out of town.  I actually stay with the babies at their houses for everyone else so I'm kind of house sitting and dog sitting.  But...because she's the only one stays here, she rules this roost.  She has me wrapped around her finger.  We play, she has a pillow on my bed, she likes to cuddle when she's cold, and if you're not ready to get up when she is, she will impatiently plop back down onto the bed (conveniently on my hip) and heavily SIGH.  She has such personality and I can't wait to see what happens next with her.  Also, side note...I taught her to get into her crate.  HIGH FIVE MYSELF! 

I dearly love each and every one of these babies.  They bring such joy and honestly love me unconditionally.  They love me even when I don't much like myself.  I'm so thankful my friends allow me to stay with them, and trust me with their children.  I recently changed phones...of the 800 photos on it, I'm pretty sure roughly 5 to 600 were of the dogs.  For Christmas, one of the 'parents' got me a picture with all of the babies on it.  I have individual albums for them on my Facebook page and they're also my cover photo on Facebook.  I don't know where I would be without my 5 puppies.

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