Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Book 17 - White Girl Problems by Babe Walker

I am SO GLAD I'm DONE with this book!  I struggled and battled my way through this fucking book.  I'll keep this one short and sweet.  

First off, I'm a white girl...I'm of Irish descent so it's safe to say, I'm fucking white.  I've never had any of these problems.  I thought this book would be hilarious.  It's not.  I thought it would be a quick read.  It wasn't.  I hated this book.  I'm not usually one to rip a book and I try to find at least something redeeming in everything I read...I can't fucking find it here.  

Babe Walker is condescending.  She's an ungrateful, spoiled, and narcissistic brat.  She spends $265k in a Barney's during a meltdown because her ex-boyfriend sent her a text message.  Grow the fuck up.  You have no clue what problems really are.  She's vapid and so incredibly vain that it's sickening.  Maybe this book was hilarious and entertaining for the celebrities of the world, but I honestly rolled my eyes so many times, I'm surprised they're still in my sockets.  

Also, if I never read or hear the word 'chic' again, it will be too fucking soon.  

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