Saturday, May 16, 2015

Book 21 - Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones I fucked myself over with this book.  I did a very bad thing and read the blurb on the back of book 3...BAD IDEA!  It completely gave away how book 2 (this one) ends!  Ugh...face meet palm!  I'm so mad at myself.  Knowing how it's going to end for the major plot line made it incredibly difficult for me to finish it.  With that being said though, I'm going to try and give the best objective review I can give...

I liked this book because it starts the unraveling process of the characters...not like they have a meltdown but rather more is revealed about them.  Charley's assistant, Cookie, has a larger role in this one because her friend goes missing so we get to learn a bit more about Cookie.  While Charley is trying to help Cookie find Mimi (the missing friend), she's also having to deal with Reyes wanting to kill his corporeal body and just chill out all incorporeal-like and all.  Now...maybe that doesn't sound like such a bad idea considering these ole human bodies of ours aren't exactly invincible.  The bad thing one knows what will happen if he does that.  Charley spends a good chunk of this book in a battle with Reyes for him to tell her where his body is because she wants to save him.  She's selfish and in love and doesn't want to find out the hard way what may happen to him if he lets his body die.  And honestly, I can't say I blame her.  

Charley also learns some things about herself and her abilities.  Like the fact that she can summon Reyes, move with inhuman speed, get stabbed in the chest and live, get stabbed in the back and live, oh and light up and vanquish hundreds of demons from hell.  The girl's got some pretty cool gifts going on.  

I, for one, couldn't really have given a shit about the plot line of finding Mimi.  A drunken gang bang/rape got out of hand, a girl was killed, 2 people saw some shit they shouldn't have, one of whom is running for the Senate, and his mom wants to make everything better.  Eh...the congressman's mother is psychotic and wanted to get rid of witnesses...moving on.  Read the book for the full details!  I was more interested in finding out about yummy Reyes.  I wanted them to find a solution that worked for both of them that didn't end with demons being released upon the earth or with him having to kill her so the demons couldn't get into heaven.  Damn those pesky demons.  

We also learn that Reyes has a fucking fan club...clubs actually...plural!  This one woman, to me, was just extremely pathetic in trying to find out information about a man in prison simply because he's drop dead gorgeous.  She was paying off guards and people to find out information about him.  I can say though, he may be the son of Satan, but Reyes cares about his friends, specifically Amador.  He tells Amador to have his wife feed this pathetic woman information and pictures about him so they can invest the money to make a future for themselves once Amador has been released from prison.  He even tells him which stocks to invest in and they're able to take $1000 and turn it into millions.  Say whattt???  Can you be my friend, Reyes??  I could go for just 1 million...I don't need more than that.  (Side note and way off topic. Impact Wrestling is on my television right the background...I haven't looked at the television since I got off from work.  And it appears as though they're trying to make a bit of soft core porn out of it...3 scantily clad wrestler chicks sitting on a bed type deal like they're having a 'slumber' party.  They really know their audience. Anyway...side note over.)  

So yeah...Charley eventually finds his body and rather than risk potentially losing him forever she BINDS him!  And now he has to go back to prison and he has denied her from seeing him!!  Ass!  But...understandable.  He knows they're both vulnerable if he can't leave his body.  He has proven time and again that he doesn't need his corporeal body to save her life.  I understand her too though...why risk losing the man you love when you know there's a way you can keep him.  I'm interested to see where this relationship goes from here...if it goes anywhere.  The way we left off in this one, it makes me a bit nervous for their future.  And it makes me a bit nervous that Charley will need him to save her hide but he won't be able to do his thing because he can't leave his body.  Hope Charley finds more awesome Grim Reaper powers to help get her ass out of hot water.  

And...who the fuck is Mistress Marigold and why is she looking for the Grim Reaper???  I feel like that's not someone I'd be seeking out!   

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