Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Book 22 - Do Not Disturb by A.R. Torre

Holy Shit, Deanna...I didn't think you'd actually do it!  I'll tell you all about...like for real...hardcore spoiler alerts.  I reveal the ending!  You can't say you weren't warned.    

So in Do Not Disturb, we find ourselves meeting up with Deanna aka Jessica Reilly, cam girl/murderess from The Girl in 6E.  Don't worry kids...she's still batshit crazy and wants to murder people.  We pick up where we left off with her going on a date with Jeremy, the UPS guy who is apparently holy shit hot.  She's trying to find a new definition of normal for herself by actually *gasp* leaving her apartment.  She goes on a couple of dates with Jeremy and even takes a couple of strolls by herself to the convenience store across the street from her shitty apartment to buy Dr. Pepper and lottery tickets.  Of course, while she's out, she imagines stabbing every fucking person she sees.  Of course though, she's still doing her cam thing which leads to the whole new premise for this book.  

Enter Marcus Renza, a rich short little shit of a man who made his wealth on real estate deals, and who just got released from prison into house arrest for brutally sexually assaulting a woman.  She was just one in a long line of women that he liked to tie up, abuse, and sexually assault...like holy shit he's fucked up.  It finally came to a head though when one of them remembered him and went to the police...damn those drugs for not doing their job.  Bad thing was, when he went to prison, he just learned from fellow inmates how to do a better job next time.  Since he's under house arrest though, he has no option but to find a woman online...which leads him to Deanna.  She doesn't submit to him which drives him fucking crazy.  He makes offers to pay her for real, live, in person sex so she blocks his ass.  When he continues to try and contact her through her personal website, he gets blocked from that too.  And cue the RAGE!  Being the wealthy asshole he is, he has a hacker of his own who finds an address that is supposed to be Deanna's.  Lucky for her, or maybe him, it's not Deanna's legit address, but rather it's Mike's...her hacker hero who keeps her identity buried behind cyber walls.  Cue the panic attack on my behalf because I actually like Mike and I knew this fucker would be bad news.  And I wasn't wrong.  He tortures Mike until he spills the beans on Deanna's true identity but also in the process gives up Jeremy.  He leaves Mike tied up to the bed, with a knife in his shoulder blade and duct tape over his mouth.  

Now would be a good time to take a left turn to Mike's life.  We learn that Mike is in a wheelchair and has a girl named Jamie stop by and help him out a couple of days a week with some housework and such, and also for the occasional blow job.  I liked that we got to learn a bit more about him.  It honestly just made me like him even more.  But yeah...Mike gives her up but he tries to warn her.  Eventually Deanna figures it out so she goes shopping for supplies for killing someone and lies in wait for Marcus to show up.  I kept hoping she would do the right thing.  Simply incapacitate him and call the cops...but no...she's not fucking normal enough for that shit.  She had to go and stab his ass multiple times and then dispose of the body.  For fucks sake girl...

I'm not sure if I was disappointed in her or not.  I guess I'm just honestly not surprised that she killed him, after all, she's killed two other people now.  I don't know...I think part of me was hoping she wouldn't, but I guess you can't have a good book that way.  And I guess it's a little vigilante of her...only killing those who deserve to be killed...if anyone deserves to be killed?  I don't know...that's a fine line into political correctness and personal views that I honestly don't give two shits about diving into.  But I mean, she killed her mother who murdered her family...she killed Ralph who was a pedophile, and now she's killed Marcus who was an abusive rapist.  Maybe she's doing the world a favor?  

While she's torturing and ultimately killing Marcus, Jeremy has been tied up and a bomb placed in his oven.  Mike tracks Jeremy's credit cards and self phone activity, or lack thereof, and alerts Deanna that something is wrong.  By the time she gets there, though it's too late...the house explodes!!  Dun Dun Dunnnnnn....

Don't worry...Jeremy lives!  And he gets to fuck Deanna!  Woot Woot for him! One can only wonder just what the fuck will happen to her next.  Will she get caught for killing Marcus?  Will she even tell Jeremy what really happened?  Will he still love her?  Will she one day kill Jeremy?  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.  

I think I liked the first book better.  Sure I liked the expanding character profiles, but I think the first one was just more educational.  This one is just as fast paced as the first one with the different points of view speeding things right along.  I don't know...she's fucking crazy and I'm going to stay on this roller coaster because I'm hooked and need to know what's going to ultimately happen with her/to her.    

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