Friday, June 19, 2015

Book 23 - Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

Die, bitch, die!  Maybe that's harsh...

Let me back up...small confession time.  I never liked Dorothy.  Granted, I'm talking movie version because *gasp* I've never read the book.  I always found Dorothy annoying, whiny, and petulant.  If I ever watch the movie now that I'm an adult, I find myself rolling my eyes through a good majority of it.  So, you can imagine a book entitled Dorothy Must Die was totally my cup of tea.

I LOVED this book and will totally be picking up the next in the series, The Wicked Will Rise.  This book was awesome because the word fuck is said several times and Dorothy dresses like a slut.  I also need Dorothy to die.  She's a total bitch who has completely been corrupted by the appeal of magic.  I know it's supposed to be fantasy, and the language isn't all that appropriate; but teachers could use this book in English class.  There's all this irony and symbolism going on.

The story opens up with us meeting Amy...a 16 year old high school student from Flat Hill, Kansas who lives in Dusty Acres Trailer Park with her pill popping mother.  Based on the trailer park, she's called Salvation Amy at school and the kids call her trailer trash.  One popular girl in particular, Madison Pendleton, is 16 and fucking pregnant with the captain of the football team as the baby daddy but yet Amy is the trailer trash.  Hello irony within the first 5 pages...nice to meet you.  I got a huge kick out of that one.  Amy gets in a fight with Madison, in that Madison punches Amy, and because Amy isn't going to punch a pregnant bitch, she gets suspended because the principal, of course, believes the popular girl.  Ugh...fuck you Madison.  Next comes the tornado which picks Amy's trailer up and puts her ass down in Oz.  Yeah yeah yeah...similarities abound.  That's the whole point.  

Turns out Dorothy did go back to Kansas but it just wasn't anything like Oz so Glinda picked her up and took her back.  From there, Dorothy has corrupted the land and is mining all of Oz for the magic.  She's drunk on its power and she now dresses like a hooker.  The ruby slippers are more like patent leather stripper shoes and the blue gingham has been transformed into a variety of slutty dresses that show as much cleavage as possible.  Glinda is also in charge of mining the magic out of the land so now all that was good before has turned to wicked.  Dorothy's comrades are all there too.  The Lion is there but he feeds off of the fear of others.  The Tin Man is basically the sheriff in town.  The Scarecrow has become a mad scientist trying to steal brains from other people and inject it into his own brain.  He creeps me out the most with button eyes and weird ass lab experiments putting metal parts onto people.  Someone needs to go ahead and light his ass on fire for real already.

Amy, of course, ends up breaking some stupid bullshit law Dorothy made up so she's hauled before the 'princess; by the Tin Man and placed in jail until her trial a week later.  Through the help of a wicked witch she breaks out and becomes part of the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked where she is trained in battle, etiquette, and magic.  It's very difficult to determine the motivations of people in this book.  I honestly don't know if anyone is out to help Amy and everyone keeps saying they shouldn't be literally.  The character actually says, Amy, you shouldn't trust me.  The common goal for the Wicked is to kill Dorothy...what happens if/when she's killed remains a mystery.  They believe Amy is the only one who can kill Dorothy because she comes from the "Other Place".  Through a magic spell, Amy's appearance changes to that of a maid in the palace so she can determine Dorothy's moves in order to assassinate her.  Things of course get screwed up along the way and we see Dorothy has absolutely no regard for life.  She only cares about how much magic she can get and everyone doting upon her.  Ugh...fuck you Dorothy.  She's cruel and hateful and Paige writes her in such a way that you're like yeah...she could die.

In the end though, Dorothy lives...fucking A man.  Just kill her already!  You learn the mysterious identities of people and the Wizard turns out to never have left Oz and he actually hates Dorothy too.  Turns out the key to taking down Dorothy is to first take down the entourage.  Take the Tin Man's heart, the Scarecrow's brain, and the Lion's courage...then you can kill Dorothy.  I'm very interested to see where the next book takes us.  You see Amy change and grow into someone who I think she's truly coming to understand as herself.  I also need to know if she and Nox are going to become an item or if he's just playing her because she's the key to getting rid of Dorothy.  He's hot and sometimes he seems sincere, but like I said, motivations are not so black and white.  I definitely look forward to seeing where Paige takes Amy's story.  I'm definitely now hooked.  On to the next!  

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