Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Book 7 - Hexed: Book 2 of the Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne

So if you read my blog on know how I feel about this series and that was after only the first book.  I still feel the same way...maybe even more so.  NERDGASM!  I still want to have babies with Atticus, I want to love all over his Irish Wolfhound, Oberon, and it really makes me want to visit Ireland even more than I already did. 

When we last left Atticus he was recuperating in his back yard after doing battle with demons and bad witches...he had also had part of his ear chewed off.  It's now the morning after and he awakes to find the Morrigan wanting his attention.  She proceeds to have her way with him, which heals his ear, but dear was not rough sex in the good way.  She damn near kills him and I'm fairly certain he never wants to experience her again.  He gets his ear back though so I guess it's okay...?  Anyway, the ear thing is important because of his last shenanigans, the missing ear thing is the only thing the police have to go on.  So thanks Morrigan...but I think we could all do without the excessively rough sex next time.  

Now that Atticus has his ear back, hello trouble.  There's a band of Bacchants (followers of Bacchus aka the link for a little Wikipedia knowledge on the subject if you wish) in the next town over causing problems for the witches...not to mention there are witches causing problems for the witches and Atticus.  Ugh...witches.  We do find out though that witches have no power over the werewolves which made me think yes, please...sign me up for werewolf.  If I have to choose, I don't want cold, pasty skin of a vampire, and Druid seems like a lot of hard work to develop something to help protect your ass for thousands of years so yeah...I'll be furry.  It's almost winter anyway and no woman likes shaving her legs in the winter.  I'm just sayin...  Anyway...ignore that tangent.  Also to contend with, Atticus' vampire attorney, Leif, is all yo Atticus when are you going to kill Thor for me??!!  It's seriously never a dull day for Atticus.  

First up on problems to deal with...Bacchants. big deal...consider it done.  Things get a little messy (lol on that unintentional joke if you actually read up on Bacchants and if you go and read this book) but eh...not a bad night's work (again lol...cracking myself up here...maybe it's because I should really be sleeping right now), especially since he had the help of Laksha for the Bacchant slaying.

Next up...psychotic witches trying to kill Atticus with a hex (thus the name of the book) that kills you from the inside out.  Luckily, Atticus has his handy necklace that protects his ass, and he is able to make a few amulets for Granuaile to protect her from the "boil you from the inside out" hex.  With the help of the witches he has made a peace treaty with, Atticus is able to figure out where the bad witches are stationed.  In order to get a bit more help with the situation, Atticus promises Leif he'll get Thor for him (well at least we know what sort of shenanigans will be attempted in the next book).  So of course, the band of brothers, and witches, go storming the baddy witch castle and a battle ensues.  I should say the reason these witches are such bitches is because they mate with demons from hell in order to produce demon offspring.  Ugh...women are psychotic, y'all.  

So yeah...some sex crazed maniacs die...some witches die...some demons die.  All is right with the universe least until the next adventure of Atticus.  As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next up with Atticus.  Oberon is still there and still the comedic relief at all times.  There are several twists in this book that I didn't expect...some deaths that shocked me.  Obviously I've glossed over many, many details but that's for your benefit.  

GO READ THE DAMN BOOKS!  :)           

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