Monday, November 16, 2015

Book 39 - The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr

I think, the best way for me to begin my ramblings on this book, is to state that I long with every fiber of my being to read the next one in the series.  It recently came out and I purchased it over the weekend.  It is currently downstairs taunting me to pick it up and bury myself in it, not sleep, and be cranky at work tomorrow.  But alas, I know if I read it now, I will be stuck waiting...and waiting...and waiting for the next one...and I am not nearly patient enough to abide all of that waiting.  So instead, I am filling my time with other books until I return to Miss Eliza Jekyll/Lizzie Hyde.  Let's see how long I can hold out.  

As you would imagine, based upon the title, this series involves the daughter of Dr. Henry Jekyll from literature's famous, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.  Dr. Eliza Jekyll is a medical doctor who also happens to work with the Metropolitan Police as a crime scene investigator in Victorian London during the Steampunk revolution.  OH BE STILL MY HEART...I JUST HAD A NERDGASM!   It's seriously all of my favorite things rolled into one book!  

Much like Eliza who has Lizzie hiding just underneath the surface, there is this whole other underworld of London with supernatural beings.  Creatures, people who have a touch of the 'weird', and all sorts of seedy  and shady characters.  It is in this underworld that Lizzie fits in, while Eliza fits in with the more proper and socially acceptable London society.  

What is so awesome about this book, other than containing all of my nerdy interests, is that Carr has multiple plot lines running, and even this supernatural undercurrent plot line, but somehow she melds it beautifully together.  The writing and story start out as almost 2 different stories, much like Eliza and Lizzie seemingly being two different people, but then blends through unexpected ways to meld into one perfect finale.  Carr includes a plot twist I never saw coming even when I thought I knew what was up.  There's a multiple murderer out there killing women and taking certain body parts and just when you think you've figured it out, there's a plot twist.  Eliza has been taken care of by an anonymous benefactor ever since her father died, and you think it's going to be someone off the wall, but it's not and the revelation is surprising.  

I kind of don't even really want to blog about this book because I feel I would be giving away something no matter what I say.  Believe me when I tell you, it's worth it to go buy it/rent it/check it out at the library/borrow it...whatever you have to do to read it  I was completely and totally absorbed from the very first page and couldn't stop myself from reading, and reading, and reading some more.  I wanted to know everything I could about Lizzie, Eliza, Remy, Finch, Will, Temple...all of them.  I couldn't wait to find out who the killer was.  I wanted to know the secrets Remy was hiding.  I wanted to know if Eliza would ever feel for Remy what Lizzie does.  I wanted to know why a psychotic, razor wielding, murderer could take Eliza's breath away.  And believe me, you don't get all the answers in this book.  There's a nice little cliffhanger at the end that just sucks you right in and leaves you longing for me.  At least it did for me.  

So, if you like a bit of the supernatural, wolfies, murder, Victorian England, dual personalities, science, technology, anything Steampunk related, a bit of sexual tension, and even a book with underlying themes and symbolism about the shadows of ourselves we keep hidden....THEN GO READ THIS FUCKING BOOK!  I cannot say enough good things about it.  Viola Carr may very well be my hero.  

And even if you don't like that stuff...GO READ THIS FUCKING BOOK!

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