Sunday, July 12, 2015

Book 30 - Soulless: A Parasol Protectorate Novel by Gail Carriger

Absolutely SUPERB! I absolutely LOVED everything about this book! All of the characters, the fact that it was action packed, a little romantic without the frustrating bullshit of will they or won't they; and it takes place in Victorian London...which if you've been keeping up with me, you know I love all things Victorian London.  I'm honestly convinced that's the time and place my soul was born.  

In Soulless, we meet Alexia Tarabotti who is, of course, a spinster at the very old age of 26...we already have something in common.  She is what is known as a preternatural in a world of humans and supernaturals.  Supernaturals, of course, being vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.  Alexia, however, is not quite human but she's not supernatural either.  The preternatural has the ability to basically 'cancel out' the abilities of the supernatural with a single touch.  She can cause the vampire to revert back to its human form (no fangs or biting) and she can change the wolf back into its human form even on a full moon when none can resist the change.  She has a sharp wit and her tongue often gets her into trouble.  I just love her character and her spirit.  She's a bit feisty and has a fire about her that I would imagine was quite rare for the time.  Alexia lives in a world where the supernatural are fully out in the open, a bit like True Blood, and there are certain governing bodies that keep everyone in track.  All supernatural peoples must register themselves with the Bureau of Unnatural Registry (BUR).  Even those that do not belong to a hive (vampires) or a pack (werewolves) still must register themselves and would be noted as being roves (loners).  

We first encounter Alexia in the library at a ball because she has stepped aside to request tea because there were no sandwiches at the ball as promised.  How very uncouth of them.  When she enters the library there happens to be a vampire in there; but there's something off about him.  For starters, he's starving and any self respecting hive would not allow one of its own to get to this state of starvation.  Also, he has no clue who she is...and no self respecting hive would not educate its members as to just who and what a preternatural is.  And lastly, he has a fang lisp which is apparently the lowliest of lows and immediately alerts Alexia that something is very wrong here.  In the end, she accidentally kills him because he tries to attack her multiple times.  It was all actually quite a funny incident.  However, the BUR must now step in because this rove vampire is quite suspicious and Alexia could be in a lot of trouble for killing him.  This is where we meet Lord Conall Maccon, Earl of Woosley aka the werewolf Alpha and a lead inspector with the BUR.  He's also yummy deliciousness and has always had these flirty, sparring, quick witted banter matches with Alexia which infuriates him and her alike, but also brings them closer to one another.  With him is his Beta, Professor Lyall and they begin to discuss this random vampire she has just killed.  From here, hijinks ensue for Alexia.  

The local hive is not claiming the lone vampire and Professor Lyall learns that vampires and werewolves are disappearing in not only London, but other areas of England as well.  When he returns to tell Lord Maccon of this information, he finds Lord Maccon and Alexia making out in the street which is most improper.  But, in their defense, Lord Maccon did just save her behind from being kidnapped on her way home after she had been visiting with Lord Akeldama, a most flamboyantly homosexual vampire who you honestly can't help but love.  

Now, a random vampire has shown up and is dead; werewolves and vampires are missing; and someone with a creepy, not human, waxy figure has just tried to kidnap Alexia.  Just what the monkey is going on around here?!  Throw in the fact that Lord Maccon is waiting on Alexia to make the move because that's what werewolf protocol states; and Alexia is waiting on him to return his attentions to her because that's what human custom dictates, and you've got the makings of some actual comedy.  The two of them begin this little dance of trying to make the other jealous when really they both want each other; blessedly, it doesn't take them too long to figure it out and get it together.  

Shit kind of blows up though on the full moon.  The creepy, wax figure thing shows up at Lord Akeldama's house while Alexia is visiting and both are kidnapped.  They're chloroformed and taken to a local science club that has just opened up.  These fuckers...holy cow.  These scientists are trying to figure out ways that supernaturals exist...why do they exist?  How come some can change from human to supernatural and others can't?  Is it an energy transfer?  Is it because one has more soul than another?  How does one quantitate and potentially weight the soul in hopes of knowing, before transformation is attempted, if it will be successful? many questions...and I'm all for science and research because I am a scientist, but uhhhhh even I know inhumane when I see it...whether you're supernatural or not.  These fuckers want to conduct all kinds of torturous experiments on not only vampires and werewolves, but also Alexia.  It's really just fucked up.  The things people do in the name of science...

A battle ensues between Lord Maccon who is trying to get to his love muffin in order to save her ass and the rest of these scientists and their hired goons.  Luckily, the good guys win and the scientists are taken down.  These scientists were taken blood from vampires, and Lord Akeldama being one of the oldest, and placing it into a human (I'm thinking dead), and making their own uneducated vampires.  There's a reason they're transformed within the confines of a hive, people!  There are certain rules and customs that must be taught and followed!  Jeez!  

I really just enjoyed the premise behind it all...mad scientists thinking they're doing what's best for the human population when really I'm not so sure the supernaturals are a threat.  Their numbers are so small and it honestly seems like they haven't caused any unrest.  It's the loco human scientists who are off their rockers.  I love that Alexia is a strong woman and embraces her spinster status.  She basically does what she wants until Lord Maccon makes her his wife...then she still does what she wants, probably more so just to spite him.  She doesn't take his shit and she's just as much an Alpha as he is.  I loved their sparring and flirty banter.  I loved mostly everyone except Alexia's family who is just irritating and meddling and won't leave the girl alone in peace.  They're put in their place, blessedly, a couple of times which made me laugh out loud and smile with pure glee.  I loved Alexia and the fact that she embraced that she was different.  She didn't want to be like the rest of the women of the time and I admire that.  She shows that different is a good thing and I think that's a positive message.  Lord knows, I don't want to go with the flow of the crowd.  

I so look forward to the rest of Alexia's shenanigans...and hopefully steamy, sappy moments between her and Conall!  :)  This is definitely one of those series I'll be buying the rest of at one time.        

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