Sunday, August 20, 2017

Tower of the Arkein - Chase Blackwood

I actually want to give this book 4.5 stars but we all know that isn't an option. I was given a free e-book copy for a review so here we go! 
Do you have to read the first one to understand this one? Nope. Do I now want to go read the first one? Yep. Will I snag a copy of the next one so I can find out where Aeden is? You bet I will!
Favorite quote of the entire book: "Does your ass ever become jealous by the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?" I literally laughed out loud, took a photo, and uploaded to Instagram.  LOVE! 

The Kan Savasci Cycle is a coming of age epic adventure about Aeden.  All you need to know for this entire story is Aeden.  This is part two of the series with part one being background information apparently. 

This portion of the Kan Savasci Cycle is all about the Annalist trying to find Aeden...also know the Kan Savasci...also know as the Scourge of Bodig.  I'm definitely going to read the first and third books because I want to know more about why we need to find Aeden so badly...why is he the hope for the world? I mean, we see he's a badass but I want to know more.  The Annalist first meets with Neri, a priest and former brother monk of Aeden, and learns of Aeden's time in the desert of the A'sh.  Aeden was bought as a slave but you learn there's a much larger plot unfolding.  I was drawn into this alternate world and navigating my way through the life of a 15 year old boy.  Honestly, the only reason I deduct half a star is because it's hard for me to imagine Aeden being so young.  He goes through a lot of shit and I just kind of feel like he shouldn't be just turning 16 at the end of the book...I feel he's more on par with at least an 18 year old but's not a big enough deal to not enjoy the book.  
After meeting with Neri, the Annalist meets with the former Abbot of Aeden's former monastery.  This kid has seriously lived so many lives!  Through the Abbot we learn of Aeden's interactions with the Archduchess of Bodig and of course...there's a deeper plot unfolding there...not to mention Aeden pisses off the wrong dude.  I get that the Archduchess too is like his first love, but I'm ready for him to move on.  I want to tell him he will have other loves in his life and they will be reciprocated. I want to tell him his badass self is worthy of love and he deserves it for sure!  
And finally, we learn of Aeden's whereabouts from a former classmate named Thea.  It's during this time we learn about his time at the University of Galdor.  This was probably one of my favorite parts because I'm a nerd and feel like I would be a kindred spirit with Aeden and all of his reading.   

Every bit of this book is action packed, it's an amazing plot, and Blackwood has a way of drawing you in to where you just keep turning pages because, like the Annalist, you want to know where Aeden is.  I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Aeden's life and I really just want to give him a hug...but he's also a badass and already a man at only 15 but I need him to be older so I can have a book boyfriend in him.  He's such a conflicted individual who has been dealt a very bad hand but he's trying to make the best of it and just survive.  
The book is well written and has a great layout to it to keep you going.  I never once got bored or bogged down in extraneous information or detail which can sometimes happen when dealing with epic fantasy/adventure novels.  I never would have picked this book up but I'm so glad and grateful it was sent to me. 

I highly recommend it and if you're looking for a new adventure novel/series...look no further! 

Be sure to head to Amazon or Chase Blackwood's website to learn more about all of the books, both current and upcoming, in the Kan Savasci Cycle series!