Thursday, September 24, 2015

Book 37 - Changeless: A Parasol Protectorate Novel (2) by Gail Carriger

This review will be incredibly brief and substantially biased simply because I don't like where my characters were left...THIS IS NOT OKAY!

So we enter the second in the Parasol Protectorate series with Alexia and Conall living in honeymoon least until a regiment of werewolves shows up on their front lawn.  Then to make matters worse all supernatural beings suddenly lose their least for a little bit and only for a small radius....but still...what the monkey?!  Ivy is in love with Tunstell...Ivy is engaged to NOT Tunstell....and Alexia's sister has been dropped off on her doorstep.  Also, Conall has headed for Scotland to his original home pack for reasons not provided to Alexia.  Alexia has also made a new friend or maybe enemy in a hat maker/inventor/woman who dresses like a man...Madame Lefeoux.  Fearing for her husband's safety due to this 'plague' of humanization, Alexia and her crew of folks have set off to a dirigible.  The trip to Scotland is anything other than boring with not only Alexia's room being ransacked, but also two attempts on her life...once by poisoning and once by trying to knock her ass overboard.  Anyway, she survives and they make it to Scotland.  

Once in Scotland, it's a long story, but they learn the humanization is being caused by a Preternatural that has been mummified and the Scotland pack brought it back from Egypt with them.  Also, Conall ends up successfully turning his great-great-great-granddaughter (maybe a couple more greats in there) into a werewolf so she can now be the legit Alpha of the Scotland pack.  We also learn it is Alexia's maid, Angelique, who has been trying to kill folks and blah blah blah.  Luckily she's not successful, Scotland has a new Alpha, Lefeoux is actually a friend, and Ivy has eloped with Tunstell....and then the ball drops.  

So I'M PISSED...thus the reason for the short short synopsis and review.  Turns out, Alexia is pregnant and apparently it's a physical impossibility for the supernatural to reproduce.  So Conall loses his mother fucking mind and says the child isn't his and accuses Alexia of no matter what she says he doesn't believe her.  Well you can go fuck yourself, Conall because for all your intelligence and at least 200 years of existence, has it not crossed your brain dead mind that when your wife touches you, you become HUMAN, and the last fucking time I checked, TWO HUMANS COULD MAKE A FUCKING doing what you ask?...FUCKING!   Carriger has got to get these two back together because right now I'm so pissed off with Conall that even if he did grovel I still might would kick him in the dick.  

So yeah...I'm irritated.  Maybe she did it to keep people reading the series but I'm so damn irritated, I don't want to read the next one for a while.  UGHHHH!  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Book 36 - Haders: Elpis Book 2 by Aaron McGowan

+Aaron Elpis (Aaronelpis) is rapidly becoming a favorite author of mine!  Haders picks up 5 years from where Elpis left off.  Delkol is dead.  Terico is dead.  Suran is dead.  Oh whoops..did I ruin Elpis for you?  You should've listened to me and read the book then.  

We pick up with Lanek, Suran's brother, who has taken over building and servicing airships and trying to pick up the pieces of his life.  He is summoned to the royal Fiefs court by Rilv, the royal head of house.  It has been discovered that there exists these Nexi stones, known as Haders, that were created in order to combat the power of the Elpis.  It is Rilv's mission to find these Haders in order to take down Augurc who is running rampant throughout the land destroying everything and everyone.  Upon the death of his brother, Delkol, Augurc now has half of the Elpis and has used it to perform even greater experiments on his subjects.  He has also made Areo, lady vamp, a non-thinking, non-feeling, killing machine.  Upon Lanek's arrival at the court, in walks Lynx...Mr, I killed Suran.  Lanek loses his shit and threatens to kill him, but Rilv steps in and handles the situation with the telekinesis Hader she has.  Lynx has become a double agent, but of course Lanek doesn't trust him and who could honestly blame him.  Kitoh, the transforming eigni is also in attendance, and it is through his genius we were able to learn of the Haders.  He has also developed an instrument that will very well destroy the Elpis.  Thus, Rilv, Lanek, Kitoh, and Lynx set out on a journey to find these Haders.  Oh what a merry journey this will be......  

We also pick up with Borely who is now a vampire.  He has been living with Jenba and Nivakil, Areo's brother and trainer, respectively.  They are trying to teach him the ways of the vampire, but of course, given his previous history with vampires, he's not so keen on the idea of behaving like one.  He drinks blood only when he absolutely has to and always only from a vial.  He hasn't noshed on anyone yet, and he's really not a fan of using his vampire traits in battle.  

Lanek and crew come to this tiny, remote, elvish town where Lanek is immediately made welcome given the fact he is an elf.  It is through him that the others are made welcome.  However, things quickly go horribly awry when Rilv learns the Hader they seek is housed in the shrine to their elvish deity.  Come hell or high water, this lady is getting this Hader.  Not long after she has obtained it, all the while battling the people of this town, a man shows up claiming to be the salvation of this small town.  He can supposedly save these people because he too has two Haders.  As it turns out, Haders cannot be used against one another.  This man, Kechi, only wants the Haders Rilv has though and all out battle ensues.  Most of the people in this village are killed and the good guys barely escape with their lives, much less the 2 Haders they now have.  Lanek, of course, is devastated by all of this bloodshed.  So many innocent lives have been lost, and Lanek isn't really sure if it's all worth it.  He struggles to find the purpose in this mission, and he wonders at the sanity of Rilv.  Has she become too power hungry?  Has the use of the Hader warped her mind?  

Meanwhile, the vampire city of Istal is overrun by Augurc, the Brotherhood, and these elite vampires who have lost their mind because they're so damn power hungry.  Jenba, Nivakil, Borely, and a young child named Analicia, barely escape.  It is during their escape they encounter Areo now that she has become an Augurc experiment.  Borely and Areo fight, but rather than killing him, she hesitates and runs away.  Once away from harm, Nivakil makes contact with Rilv who tells them they need to head to the port town of Limbo to find another Hader.  This Hader is held by a pirate named Yeaf and it has the ability to summon any weapon out of thin air.  It is during the battle of this Hader that Nivakil and Jenba sacrifice themselves in an explosion so Borely and Analicia can escape with their lives, and the Hader.  

McGowan has this way of blending these multiple story lines together to make the story unfold without losing you along the way.  He then brings it all together for the final culmination.  Borely and Analicia meet up with Lanek and crew in order to take down Augurc.  They're headed to the Fief city of Niez because their Hader map shows there is another one in the area.  They are also being rapidly pursued by Kechi who is bat shit crazy by the way.  This mofo hears a dead man in his for real...the dude he hears is a skeleton who he intends to bring back to life with the Haders.  Anyway, it turns out that Augurc is actually planning to attach Zein, a Shire kingdom that borders Niez.  Augurc has this idea that ideal citizens are emotionless and that without emotion, there would be no wars, no factions, no disruptions, and it would basically lead to a utopian society.  However, these guys prove him wrong.  

A huge, bad ass battle begins with everyone being a little bit confused as to whose side everyone is on.  No one knows where Lynx's allegiance lies, Rilv has lost her damn power hungry mind, Borely and Analicia have split up to find Areo, and Lanek just wants this all to be over so he can find a quiet spot to live in peace.  Augurc has this final experiment that is supposed to be the ultimate weapon but it turns out it could actually be taken out with the power of the Haders.  In the end, the good guys actually get a relatively happy ending and the bad guy kinda does too...

Borely is able to kind of crack the spell on Areo's mind by basically confessing his love for her.  He doesn't say the L word but it's implied.  Augurc basically gives up because he realizes his plans and ideals will never work.  He takes full responsibility for everything that happened and he's placed in jail.  Lynx uses one of the Haders to free his mind and return to being Turan again, even though he will never be able to forget everything he was forced to do while under Augurc's brainwashing.  Areo comes and kinds...sometimes she has no memory of Augurc, sometimes it's all she thinks about, and sometimes she's normal Areo.  They all settle in the same elvish village and they help the people to rebuild their shrine.  The people come to trust the 5 of them and they vow to never let any harm befall the village.  All in all...a happy ending!  

I like the fact that McGowan gave me closure for everyone, but he has also established these 2 kingdoms, and let's be honest...peace doesn't last forever.  He left it just open enough to be able to continue on with more in the future...and I really hope he does.This one was a bit darker than Elpis but equally as cool.  Great descriptions of the battle scenes.  A bit more details about the folks we met in Elpis, but didn't get to know too much about.  All around two thumbs up and a job well done!  I look forward to more great things!